5 things you should expect from any AV company you use:
1. Responsiveness – you should NOT have to wait for weeks or even days for an answer to your phone call or email: you should be able to schedule an appointment almost immediately. An interruption of your entertainment at home is a disruption to your peace of mind. We are more responsive than our competitors because we have a team backing us: we are NOT just a one-man company.
2. Knowledgeable experts – you should be able to trust that your AV experts are qualified to advise you on how to create the ideal home entertainment setup. We listen attentively to your needs as you explain them, and only then do we recommend an appropriate setup and the equipment required to achieve this setup. Our technicians communicate with clients throughout the job to ensure satisfaction. Competitors may claim they’re experts until something doesn’t work on site; then they don’t know what to do.
3. A client-centered approach – you should be able to trust that your AV expert has no incentive to take advantage of your lack of technical knowledge. To our clients, what sets us apart is a solid reputation as a company who would NEVER sell them anything unnecessary. Our technicians are trained to communicate clearly with the client and to make recommendations based solely on a clear picture of the client’s desired experience.
4. Being honest enough to say no – on occasion, the client has the misconception that something specific is essential in completing their desired setup. While some companies may take advantage of this situation by pushing parts/equipment that are not within the scope of the work to be completed, this is NOT our practice. In these instances, we respectfully inform the client that something is actually not needed. Though we may sacrifice some sales in the short run, we believe that this honest approach will secure our clients for life, which benefits us greatly in the long run.
5. Staying with you long after your purchase – AV companies often completely forget about you after the initial install. What if you have future issues with your system’s functioning, or you want to make an addition or upgrade? What if your technology becomes outdated, or you simply outgrow your setup due to changing needs? Who will you trust to help you with these matters? Our team will still be there for you, but our competitors won’t. Why? Because it’s our goal to grow with you as a client; to our competitors, you are only a one-time customer.
Hasn’t met a network he couldn’t make bend to his will! Always focused on developing the right solutions to meet the client’s desires – the only other thing that captures this much of his time and attention is when he’s creating new riffs on his guitar.
We take pride in our work
Our home and office installations in Crystal, Mn and the surrounding twin cities area are something we are very proud of. We would love to transform your ordinary office into a dynamic video and audio experience- complete with surround sound and custom control features, let us show you just what we mean!